The Wall Street Journal
Business Insider
Financial Times
Financial Times

Latest Press

Robert is a frequent contributor and is often quoted in Forbes, Business Insider, The Wall Street Journal, TechCrunch, and more.

Uber CEO’s Iron Grip Poses Challenge in COO Search

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Trump Bump: Entrepreneurs Create New Apps and Features Tied to the President

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Uber’s Messy Breakup Complicates Search for COO

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Uber’s Massive Crap Pile Develops Its Own Gravity

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Innovation Hyperbole Complexopen in new window

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500 Startups’s Global Ventures Run Into Headwinds

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Latest Commentary

As an educator, investor, operator, and author, Robert is often sharing new insights through articles and other media pieces. Check out his latest commentary!

When Secular Tailwinds Blow with Hurricane Force — Nick Tzitzon, Chief Strategy Officer ServiceNow

As we reached the halfway part of this year’s course, we were fortunate to have Nick Tzitzon of ServiceNow...

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An Unexpected Disruption and Transformation — Jonathan Becher, President San Jose Sharks and Sharks Sports and Entertainment

Our fourth session this year was the first time we spent a whole class talking about a sports team...

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It’s High Revenue Engagement and So Much More — Katrina Lake, CEO Stitch Fix

In our latest session we got to examine a high-flying company disrupting the retail fashion space. Stitch Fix has...

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Don’t Fall in Love with How You Do Business Today — Corie Barry, CEO Best Buy

We began the sixth year of teaching The Industrialist’s Dilemma by revisiting two companies who have had their businesses...

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Systems Leadership 2020: Bringing it Home

As we wrapped up the last three sessions of our course, we witnessed three very different leaders who showed...

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Systems Leadership 2020: Entering the Flow

As we hit the middle part of the course we saw patterns emerge in the leaders who visited: clarity...

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For press inquiries, please contact:

Jessica Krakoski

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