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Latest Press

Robert is a frequent contributor and is often quoted in Forbes, Business Insider, The Wall Street Journal, TechCrunch, and more.

Why Do So Many Young Women Want to Be COOs?

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Latest Commentary

As an educator, investor, operator, and author, Robert is often sharing new insights through articles and other media pieces. Check out his latest commentary!

Big Industrial Meets Digital — Rob Charter, Group President Caterpillar

In our session last week we were fortunate to have Rob Charter, Group President of Caterpillar, share his perspectives...

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The Perfect Ending: Changes in the Film and TV Industries — Thomas Tull, CEO Legendary Pictures

As we entered our final class session for the quarter we tackled one last industry dealing with astronomical changes...

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The Biggest Transformation of the Auto Industry in the Last Century — Mark Fields, CEO Ford

We had hoped that when we arrived to this section of the course we would get to see differences...

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What If Healthcare Could Start With Technology? — Bernard Tyson, CEO Kaiser Permanente

This week the class transitioned from the “disruptors” to the “disruptees,” and gave us the opportunity to speak with...

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Transforming Old Industries into Data Businesses — Tony Fadell, CEO Nest

Given his lengthy experiences in both large and small companies, and drawing upon on his career successes and failures,...

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Restructuring the Financial Infrastructure — Patrick Collison, CEO Stripe

Patrick Collison, CEO of Stripe, kicked off the first session of The Industrialist’s Dilemma on January 7, 2016, with...

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For press inquiries, please contact:

Jessica Krakoski

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