The Wall Street Journal
Business Insider
Financial Times
Financial Times

Latest Press

Robert is a frequent contributor and is often quoted in Forbes, Business Insider, The Wall Street Journal, TechCrunch, and more.

The Crisis Winners: Facebook and Apple Benefit from the Crash in the Valley

The managers of Sequoia Capital had probably imagined the...

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The Physical vs. Digital Divide Isn’t Always Old vs. Young

How do you develop products differently in the future?...

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A Look Back: With The Current Market Slowdown, What Did Investors Learn From Other Downturns And What Worries Them Now?

Barely three months into this year, the current venture...

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El Salvador’s Bitcoin Experiment Is Becoming a Foreign Policy Crisis

El Salvador’s embrace of bitcoin won praise from the...

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Striking a Balance of Digital and Physical Assets for Growth

In this installment of the Harvard Business School Healthcare...

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Reframing the Branch and the Industrialist Dilemma

We follow with Amber Buker's fast-moving conversation with Robert...

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Latest Commentary

As an educator, investor, operator, and author, Robert is often sharing new insights through articles and other media pieces. Check out his latest commentary!

Whither Silicon Valley – The Soulless Zombie Apocalypse Is Upon Us

Over the last several years I have spent much of my time doing business outside of the United States...

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AI: It’s the Same but Different – Are You Afraid of the Dark?

In my almost 40 years in Silicon Valley I have been a part of or had a front-row seat...

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Free Will Is a Thing – Or Why I Still Teach

At the end of last year, Stanford neurobiologist Robert Sapolsky received a great deal of attention for his latest...

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The Durability of Making — Jim Loree, Stanley Black & Decker

As we approach the end of our journey in The Industrialist’s Dilemma, Maxwell Wessel and I were fortunate to...

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Matching Your Organization’s Capabilities to the Times — Julie Sweet, CEO Accenture

In our six years of teaching the course, only a few of our guests have attended multiple times. In...

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Trash Talk — Jim Fish, CEO Waste Management

As we prepared for our session with Jim Fix, CEO of Waste Management (WM), Maxwell Wessel and I were...

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For press inquiries, please contact:

Jessica Krakoski

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